Honeymoon In A Bathtub


In order to make your honeymoon night extra special and totally different make sure there is a nice hot tub in the suite. Make preparation ahead of time for a wonderful experience. Trust this to someone on whom you can always depend so it will be ready when you arrive or ask the hotel concierge to set it all up.

Arrange for a hot tub large enough to hold both of you comfortably. Spread flowers especially aromatic flowers. Scents for the room and water: use the scents in the water that you want to retain on the skin. These can be bought in extracts or bath products. Erotic aromas for men: Cinnamon, popcorn, pumpkin pie and doughnuts. Erotic aromas for women: Melon, chocolate, oranges and bread. Erotic scents for men: Vanilla, lavender and Jasmine. Erotic scents for women: Musk, orange blossom and sandalwood.

Soft music that both bride and groom will like. Don’t use elevator music: folk or classical, harmonica or oboe are very sensual.
Nice wine or Champaign, not too sweet or too dry. Red wine should be room temperature or just slightly above. A small table in the bath next to the tub should hold the chilled Champaign, brownies and chilled Crème de Menthe and whipped cream. Simmering scent pots should have been started ahead of time so their aroma is well spread.

The order of the rest of the activities is not important, although lovemaking should be last, if at all, and common sense says you may want to try the skin games first and maybe take a quick little shower before entering the hot tub just to rinse off the leftover chocolate and whipped cream.

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